Zhu Zhu Hamster Pets: What you need to know about the hot little critters

Zhu Zhu Hamster Pets from Cepia

The Zhu Zhu Hamsters have scurried their way into first position as the “hot-completely sold out” toy of the season.  Today’s article by Stephanie Rosenbloom  in The New York Times will certainly help fan the craze.  It’s been quite a while since we’ve had a hot toy.  The toy industry has been battered the last few years by serious issues about toy safety and a shrinking audience as kids leave toyland earlier and earlier.  And even though the little creatures are not from one of the major toy companies (they are produced by Cepia LLC), everyone in the toy biz should  be pretty happy.  These little guys can drive parents into the toy stores–and if you can’t find a Zhu Zhu–you’re bound to buy some other toys. The media is also  happy to have a light story to report on – rather than announcing rolling toy recalls.

We did not receive our required safety verification from the manufacturer Cepia on these little critters so we can not give them an official Oppenheim Toy Portfolio award –but given all the hype we thought we should give them an unofficial review.

This is what you need to know:

they are pretty cute

they make a variety of sounds (including mooing like a cow and crowing like a rooster)

they don’t cost a fortune (retail ranges from $7.99 to $9.99)

they are easy to activate -by touching them on top

they have wheels that go back and forth (which can hurt if you put your finger right next to them)

watch out for long hair getting caught in the wheels

they do not require feeding

unlike many virtual creatures of late, they won’t die if you don’t take care of them

there is no cage to clean

unlike the real thing, they also won’t eat their young!

Two toyportfolio.com videos of the Zhu Zhu Creatures

Zhu Zhu Hamster Pets Gives Our Mr. Robot a Ride

Zhu Zhu Hamsters and our mascot, Mr. Robot

Zhu Zhu Hamster Pets: The aerial view

5 Responses to Zhu Zhu Hamster Pets: What you need to know about the hot little critters

  1. My children love the zhu zhu hamsters, especially numnums the grey hamster. Which one is your favorite?

  2. Mama Jane says:

    I think dreaming up “cages” and “runs” for these little critters may be more fun that the premade ones. Shoe boxes, plastic see though containers, oatmeal boxes can all become the structure they can run through. Or how about building “mazes” with blocks that they can run through or knock over?

  3. toyportfolio says:

    What a great idea!

  4. […] about the safety of the Zhu Zhu Hamsters.   To read more about our take on them, read our article Zhu Zhu Hamster Pets: What You Need to Know about the Hot Little Critters.   We have not received a signed  safety verification form from Cepia LLC for the Zhu Zhu […]

  5. toyportfolio says:

    The CPSC has now launched a probe into the safety of the Zhu Zhu Hamsters.

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